Merit Badges
Over 130 merit badges are offered by Scouts BSA. Fifteen specific badges and 6 elective badges are the minimum required to earn an Eagle. Most scouts earn many more than what is required.
List of Merit Badges
Merit Badge Clinics
Click the button below for a list of merit badges offered, how to start a merit badge and the requirements for each. Each merit badge also has a pamphlet available in the scout store, or your troop library.
Troop 372 and Troop 370 host two merit badge clinics each year, one in August and one in February. Please see our calendar for exact dates. Clinics are offered by the Phoenix District and other groups. District clinics will also be posted on our calendar other clinics can be found at, which is linked below.
Merit Badge Counselors
Click here for a list of the current merit badge counselors